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In The Community

Pender & 科沃德专业人士在我们的社区中有着深厚的根基,他们志愿亚洲博彩平台排名并与非营利组织合作, giving time and resources, serving on boards and providing needed assistance to these vital organizations. The firm also generates and leads community service efforts such as Pender & Coward's Restore the Shore 2016, Pender & Coward's 130th Anniversary Tree Canopy Community Service Project and Food for Frontline Healthcare Heroes at Sentara's Obici Hospital and Virginia Beach General Hospital and Restore the Shore 2022.  We have received Volunteer of the Year 2022 and River Star Business awards in 2023, 2022, 伊丽莎白河项目授予2021年和2020年奖项,林恩黑文河NOW授予年度珍珠商业志愿者奖,以表彰公司为改善环境和水道所做的工作和志愿者努力.  For the past 6 years, 该公司为弗吉尼亚州东海岸的马丁·路德·金社区团结日提供了志愿者和赞助支持. 我们向为社会奉献时间和才华的专业人士致敬,并继续尊重公司的座右铭“亚洲博彩平台排名”. Integrity. Results."  Read below about some of these volunteer community service efforts.

MLK Community Unity Day

Since 2019, Pender & 科沃德为弗吉尼亚州东海岸的马丁·路德·金社区团结日提供了志愿者和赞助支持. 律师志愿者与“更好的东海岸公民”和全国有色人种协进会北汉普顿县分会合作,在北汉普顿高中提供社区早餐, to deliver food during COVID-19 and to prepare food packages for delivery to senior citizens. In 2023 and 2024, 在北安普顿县最古老的非洲裔美国人拥有和经营的企业里,公司志愿者准备了汤包,送给有需要的老年人, Giddens' Do Drop Inn.

1月15日,该公司在东海岸吉登的Do Drop酒店参加了马丁·路德·金社区团结日的庆祝和亚洲博彩平台排名活动, 2024. Pictured above are Donna Bozza of Citizens for a Better Eastern Shore, P&C attorney Bryan Peeples, Jane Cabarrus of Gidden's Do Drop Inn and the Northampton County Branch of the NAACP, and P&C team members Mancha Stanton and Cozette Holland.

Pender & Coward volunteers at MLK Community Unity Day 2023

上图是该事务所滨水法律团队的志愿者,以及位于弗兰克敦Giddens' Do Drop Inn的老板Jane Cabarrus, VA on January 16, 2023.


Pender & Coward received the River Star Business Volunteer of the Year award on November 12, 2022年将从伊丽莎白河项目中拨款,通过清理水道和湿地,持续减少污染,改善伊丽莎白河水道的健康, 特别是2022年恢复海岸活动之后,诺福克市获得了一笔拨款,将于2023年在该地点建造一条生机勃勃的海岸线.  公司继续支持伊丽莎白河项目的努力,“做正确的河流”和改善我们的水道和环境.


river star business awards for ongoing Pollution Prevention and improvement of environment & waterways

Pender & Coward received River Star Business awards in 2022, 为减少污染和改善伊丽莎白河水道和环境的健康而开展的工作,并提供有关水道和环境主题的免费教育网络研讨会.  Through the firm's corporate environmental stewardship, Pender & 科沃德继续支持伊丽莎白河项目“善待河流”的努力,并改善我们的水道和环境.  Since 1997 The Elizabeth River Project's River Star Business program has led to the creation or conservation of over 1,882 acres of wildlife habitat, over 356 million pounds of reduced pollution, and over a billion pounds of reduced and/or recycled materials.

上图是伊丽莎白河项目的Pam Boatwright向律师Tom Berkley和Jeff Wilson颁发公司2022年持续杰出表现河之星商业奖. The January River Stars Luncheon was held virtually due to COVID-19. The Sustained Distinguished Performance award requires completion of a significant new initiaive.  Pender & Coward launched free environmental webinars while continuing its culture of community service.

River Stars Award With Kevin Hubbard Jim Lang And Princess Elizabeth January 2021

上图是伊丽莎白河项目的伊丽莎白公主在彭德尔外颁发2021年成就级河之星商业奖 & Coward's Chesapeake office to attorneys Kevin Hubbard and Jim Lang. The January River Stars Luncheon was held virtually due to COVID-19. 成就奖要求在防止污染和改善野生动物栖息地方面取得显著成果,并明确量化和取得有意义的员工参与的努力.

River Stars Photo From 2020

2020承诺级河之星商业奖在伊丽莎白河项目的河之星午宴上颁发,并由律师吉姆·朗代表公司接受, Tom Berkley and Jeff Wilson.

Food for Frontline Healthcare Heroes

Pender & 科沃德为前线医疗英雄提供食物,以表达对冠状病毒大流行期间的感激和支持.  该公司通过购买食物为Sentara的Obici医院和弗吉尼亚海滩综合医院的医护人员提供午餐来支持当地的餐馆.  50 pizzas from Amici’s izza Café in Suffolk were delivered to Obici Hospital on April 29, 2020.  5月6日,弗吉尼亚海滩501 Grill North Kitchen + Bar的150份餐点被送到了Sentara弗吉尼亚海滩综合医院, 2020.  Pender & Coward also provided 500 Hershey bars for nurses at both hospitals to celebrate Nurses Week.

Obici Pizza Delivery 42920 0

Pictured above at Sentara Obici Hospital are Breanna Taylor of Amici's Pizza Café, hospital representative Debbie Williams, Boo McGhee of Amici's Pizza Café and Pender and Coward attorney and CEO Dave Arnold.

Va Beach General Hospital Food For Healthcare Heroes 736X385 72Dpi

Pictured above at Sentara Virginia Beach General Hospital are Stefanie Talley of 501 North Kitchen + Bar, hospital representatives Dolores Reed, Margaret Chenault and Peggy Braun and Pender & Coward attorney and CFO Mark Baumgartner.

Diane Reid - EMT For Virginia Beach Volunteer Rescue Squad

Pender & 科沃德律师助理黛安·里德自2006年以来一直担任弗吉尼亚海滩志愿救援队的急救医生.  We appreciate Diane and all first responders, 在COVID-19危机期间,医务工作者和其他在前线帮助社区人民的人.  In the words of Mr. Rogers, in times of crisis “look for the helpers, you will always find people who are helping.”  Diane also handles a very busy career as a paralegal at Pender & 科沃德在冠状病毒大流行期间继续为客户亚洲博彩平台排名,同时保持安全的社交距离.  Diane will celebrate her 25th anniversary with Pender & Coward in May of 2020, and we’re proud to count her as one of our P&C Heroes.

Diane Reid - volunteer EMT


Pender & 科沃德获得了林恩黑文河NOW年度珍珠商业志愿者奖,以表彰该公司在减少污染和改善林恩黑文河健康方面的持续志愿清理工作,并在2020年为教育项目提供了材料. The firm's award was accepted at a February 2021 volunteer waterway cleanup by Jeff Wilson, Bryan Peeples and Mancha Stanton. At that particular cleanup, the group removed almost 500 pounds of trash and debris from the river. Through the firm's corporate environmental stewardship, Pender & Coward continues to support Lynnhaven River NOW's mission to clean and protect Virginia Beach waterways. 

Lrn And P And C Cleanup Hutton Launch Group With Volunteer Of The Year Award 22021 Cropped

130th Anniversary Tree Canopy Community Service Project

In appreciation of our clients, communities and friends that have nurtured and sustained us for 130 years, the firm donated and planted 130 trees in Southside Hampton Roads through a firm-wide service project.

130Th Huddle Resized  Q4a6548 Resize

Restore the Shore 2016 and 2022

Pender & Coward's Restore the Shore project 2016年,我们调动了50多名志愿者的力量,清理了被破坏的海岸线,重新种植了本土植物,让海岸线再次茁壮成长.  The firm also rallied volunteers for Restore the Shore 2022 to return to our adopted shoreline along the Elizabeth River.  The 2022 volunteer group removed 1,200 pounds of trash and debris that had accumulated since the firm's original Restore the Shore 2016 waterway cleanup and restoration.  

Navy Seal Memorial


Seal Monument Dedication Ceremony July 2017 Groupphoto

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